Framework Agreement zur Verbesserung der Arbeitsbedingungen in der europäischen Flusskreuzfahrt in Berlin unterzeichnet
12 März 2024

Nach jahrelangen Anlauf, ist es unserer Dachorganisation ETF gelungen, mit dem Interessensverband der europäischen River Cruise Industry, IG River Cruise sowie dem Dachverband der europäischen Binnenreeder EBU (European Barge Union) eine Grundsatzerklärung zur Verbesserung der Arbeitsbedingungen zu unterzeichnen. Die Erklärung, an der auch Nautilus Schweiz sowie Nautilus Niederlande mitgearbeitet haben, legt Grundprinzipien fest, beinhalten jedoch noch keine verbindlichen Standards, von den die Angestellten nun unmittelbar profitieren würden.
Notwendig sind nun konkrete, rechtsverbindliche Vereinbarungen oder Gesetze auf nationaler Ebene, wie sie etwa in Gesamtarbeitsverträgen mit unserer Gewerkschaft und einzelnen Arbeitgeber zum Teil bereits existieren. In diesem Sinne hoffen wir, dass die nun getroffene Vereinbarung unseren Weg zu mehr rechtsverbindlichen Vereinbarungen mit weiteren Reedereien neuen Schwung gibt.
Im Folgenden dokumentieren wir die gemeinsame Presseerklärung der drei Organisationen zur Unterzeichnung der Vereinbarung in Berlin am 6.3.2024 während der internationalen Tourismusmesse ITB.
Press release
EBU, ETF and IG RiverCruise sign framework agreement to improve working conditions in river cruise industry
On March 6 2024, during the ITB in Berlin, EBU, ETF and IG RiverCruise signed a binding framework agreement to improve the working conditions on board of river cruise vessels as well as to ensure a level playing field for the sector.
The negotiations for a framework agreement started after the signing of a declaration of intent in the summer of 2019, in which parties jointly agreed to address a number of issues in the river cruise industry. After some fruitful meetings, all negotiations had to be suspended in 2020 due to COVID.
Negotiations were restarted in the fall of 2022 and have not only resulted in a binding framework agreement, but also in a common understanding of the complexity in the river cruise industry and in a good working relation between the river cruise industry on one hand and the trade unions on the other.
The goal of the framework agreement is to achieve a socially sustainable river cruise sector with a level playing field for operators; in the interests of both employers and employees in the sector. The agreement deals with the fundamental rights of workers in the European river cruise industry, social security, salaries, health and safety requirements, crewing agents’ fees, contract and travel documents, access to vessels and complaints procedures.
EBU, ETF and IG RiverCruise are proud of the achieved result.
'We are very pleased by the way we have worked together towards a common goal: improvement of the working conditions for employees on board of river cruise ships. After all, both the employers and the employees benefit from a socially sustainable river cruise sector,' said Theresia Hacksteiner, Secretary General of EBU.
Arno Reitsma, President of IG RiverCruise, added: 'We are delighted that today we can open a new chapter in our cooperation, which is based on the understanding that the crew on board passenger ships is the foundation for the success of our industry.'
According to Jacques Kerkhof, Chair of the ETF Inland Waterways Section, this agreement is a first important step for the improvement of the livelihoods of thousands of workers. 'In particular, the ETF welcomes the reconfirmation of the applicability of social security rules, health and safety, harassment-free environment as well as the freedom to join a trade union and access of unions to the workplace. We do hope to continue to build a fair European river cruise sector and mutual trust with our employer counterparts through the implementation of this agreement.'
Press contacts:
- EBU:
- Theresia Hacksteiner, Secretary General EBU,
- Maira van Helvoirt, Passenger Shipping Committee,
About EBU
The European Barge Union (EBU) represents the European inland navigation industry in both freight and passenger transport. Its members are the national associations of barge owners and barge operators of 9 European inland navigation countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Romania and Switzerland). Besides it represents the interests of a number of international organisations dealing with IWT and Short Sea Shipping.