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Maritime non-fiction / History

100 happy years of a maritime institution

The Seven Seas Club Centenary 1922-2022, by John Callcut, Glyn L Evans and David P Watson

book_cover_seven_seas_club_centenary_web.jpgThe Seven Seas Club was founded in October 1922 by a group of Old Conway cadets to promote and foster the comradeship of the sea. Open to 'past and present officers of the British sea services', the club started off with cheerful get-togethers and sports teams. Over time, it seems to have evolved into a more formal institution with black-tie dinners, long-standing traditions, membership badges and grand regalia.

The principles of friendship and community still remain, however, as this fond look through the club's archives demonstrates. A well-presented book with high-quality images throughout, this history is something club members can be proud of.

The Seven Seas Club Centenary 1922-2022
By John Callcut, Glyn L Evans and David P Watson
Self-published, £25.00 (available in the Nautilus Bookshop)
ISBN: 978 17391 20603

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