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Maritime non-fiction / History

Lighting the way into the future

Rock Lighthouses of Britain and Ireland, by Christopher Nicholson

book_cover_rock_lighthouses_web.jpg'Lighthouses are an enduring symbol of man's tenacity, ingenuity and altruism in the face of the unrelenting power and destructive force of nature.' This is the idea that informs the new edition of a classic work which takes us on a journey through time around the safety beacons of the British Isles.

With a foreword from Trinity House master HRH The Princess Royal, the book has fabulous photos of the lighthouses and their keepers, as well as some rare sketches from the archives.

There's more about Irish rock lighthouses than in previous editions, and the story is brought up to date with all the modern technology now being used.

Rock Lighthouses of Britain and Ireland
By Christopher Nicholson           
Whittles Publishing, £24.95        
ISBN: 978 18499 55447

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