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I recently came across a newspaper item on alternative aviation fuels, specifically sustainable biofuels. 

Quoting from the article, apparently Britain has 'committed to a mandate – albeit one yet to enter legislation – that 10% of aviation fuel supplied must be sustainable by 2030.' At present it is less than 0.1%.

The article further says that the UK government claims to be on track to have at least five commercial plants in construction by 2025 to produce sustainable aviation fuel (known as SAF).

This is all good news, but has the UK government expressed any interest in doing anything similar for shipping?

Jeremy Coventry

Nautilus head of professional and technical David Appleton responds:

The UK is a party to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) 2050 climate goals, and the IMO is currently assessing the potential of various fuels – including biofuels.

There is also an ongoing project called the Clean Maritime Plan, which is the UK government’s route map for the transition to a future of zero emission shipping. This is where biofuels will be assessed alongside other emission reduction measures in the UK. The Clean Maritime Plan is available for search and download at

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