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Maritime non-fiction / History

How seafaring helped slaves build better lives

The Promise of Freedom for Slaves Escaping in British Ships, by Theodore Corbett

promise_of_freedom_book_cover_web.jpgDon't be put off by the rather unwieldy title of this book, which seems to imply that British ships were operating some kind of evacuation service for enslaved people in the Americas. This was, of course, not the case – but instead the author tells a thoughtful and nuanced story about how seafaring provided a better life for some West African people caught up in the brutal slave trade.

Black people could be found in the crews of merchant and military vessels throughout the British Empire, sometimes even while remaining enslaved. Some managed to gain better roles on the plantations through winning recognition of the boat-handling skills they had brought from their original homes. Others seized the opportunity of seafaring work as free men when taken by their 'masters' to countries where slavery had been abolished. It's a fascinating account that will bring fresh insights to many readers.

The Promise of Freedom for Slaves Escaping in British Ships
By Theodore Corbett
Pen & Sword, £25
ISBN: 978 13990 48200

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