I was hoping to get some help from your members in confirming the present-day habits of the fulmar, a common sea bird in the northern oceans. Twenty five years ago, they would regularly escort my ship to the oilfields; while watchkeeping they always seemed to be at bridge height, making the same speed no matter the weather. They were often too close, but I never saw one come to grief.
I want to know if they still do this?
Neil McKie
More letters
Same old story on seafarer safety
I was watching a recent programme on BBC1, Why Bridges Collapse, about the MV Dali container vessel hitting the bridge at Baltimore. The part where they were taking the bridge's trusses off the bow of the vessel I found quite illuminating.
DP training was fine until the goal posts were moved
I very much agree with the letter written by member number 179359 regarding the high costs of attaining and revalidating dynamic positioning (DP) certification.
In memory of Anthony (Tony) Fell
In memory of Anthony (Tony) Fell, a former Council member and a Union member since 1963 who was dedicated to furthering the development of radio officers.