Christmas cheer will be formally switched on for retired seafarers at the Nautilus Welfare Fund's Mariners' Park Estate on Thursday 9 December 2021.
The annual lighting ceremonies mark a welcome return for festive events at the estate's Trinity House Hub. It kickstarts a raft of December activities for residents who saw their previous Christmas community events curtailed during Covid-19 restrictions.
Residents have also donated items to gift boxes for seafarers. These will be packed by residents and staff on Friday 10 December and distributed via maritime charities to seafarers at port in Liverpool.
The boxes will be packed individually with a selection of gifts, which can include a selection of often essential items for seafarers unable to get ashore, such as shoes, woolly hats, scarves, and gloves, a well as toiletries, confectionary, and pocket games.
To make the gift more personal, often there will be a message on a postcard about who the box is from.
As well as the usual monthly event line up of coffee mornings, crafts and hobbies, exercise, singalongs and trips, closer to Christmas residents are also invited to other cheerful functions such as a pamper evening on 15 December and a Christmas Eve 'bring and share' refrehments social evening.
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