Nautilus is continuing to fight for cadets with Evergreen, who are being denied seatime by the company and have therefore seen their cadetships extended.
In discussions with the Union, Evergreen continues to cite Covid risk as a reason for failing to live up to its responsibilities, despite the fact that it operates in areas of the world where restrictions have been lifted.
Evergreen gave assurances to cadets seatime would recommence from 01 October 2022 and once again have failed to provide any berths leaving cadets in despair.
Nautilus is now requesting a meeting with the Maritime & Coastguard Agency to try and resolve the situation.
Ask the expert – safety issues
Q: What should I do if I think there might be a safety issue onboard while I'm on my seatime phase?
A: As a cadet, you might feel a bit uncertain about whether you should mention a potential safety issue – but you have a responsibility to the rest of the crew to bring it up, as you could help to prevent one of your colleagues from being seriously injured.
In the first instance, you can talk to the designated shipboard training officer about your concerns. The next person to consult is the vessel's master.
Other potential avenues for assistance are your training provider, the vessel's flag state, or port authorities.
As your trade union, Nautilus is also always ready to assist you and provide guidance on what to do. You can get in touch with Rachel Lynch, our strategy organiser with responsibility for cadets, or with the office for your branch of the Union (see www.nautilusint.org/en/contact).
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