Nautilus International's regular college visits are continuing this month with two-days meeting cadets at Fleetwood Nautical Campus - part of Blackpool & The Fylde College.
The college visit will give maritime trainees a chance to meet their Union representative at a drop-in surgery and hear how Nautilus can support them as their careers develop.
Nautilus strategic organiser Martyn Gray will hold a first phase cadet talk on Tuesday 10 December 2019 from 17:00-19:30 on the campus.
On Wednesday 11 December he will also host a drop-in surgery for trainees from 07:30-09:30 hours.
Mr Gray encouraged trainees to come along to the surgery even just to 'pop in and say hello', as well as seeing advice. 'Anyone can come along to discuss any concerns, issues or problems you have experienced during the course of your cadetship so far,’ he said, ‘or anything in general that you wish to discuss about the shipping industry. I will be happy to speak to as many members as possible during those surgery hours.'
Cadets who might prefer a more private appointment arrange these by emailing cadets@nautilusint.org.
As part of the Union’s college visits, there are often information sessions about rules and regulations affecting seafarers, and on Wednesday 11 December 2019 at 10:00, Mr Gray will give a presentation on recent developments in maternity and paternity, parental and adoption leave for seafarers.
Nautilus organisers visit colleges within eight months from September to April. So far this season, Mr Gray has visited Glasgow, Warsash and South Tyneside nautical colleges, the University of Plymouth, Britannia Royal Naval College, and the National Maritime College of Ireland.
- for full details of the Fleetwood visit please see the College events pages.
- If you are a cadet and have not yet joined Nautilus, you can join now online. Cadets are entitled to a reduced subscription rate while they are training.