30 September 2020 14:00 - 16:00
Pride in Maritime Network meets online
Venue: Register for this online Zoom meeting

The second meeting of the renamed Maritime UK Pride in Maritime Network, for LGBT+ maritime professionals working at sea and ashore, is being held online via Zoom.
Danny McGowan, new chair of the Pride in Maritime Network, and international organiser at Nautilus International encouraged members to register for the online event.
'LGBT+ Union members and other members interested in LGBT+ equality and diversity should register to attend this important networking opportunity, and help to develop the work of the new Network for the benefit of the industry and for everyone working within it.'
Please share this message with colleagues and friends in the industry who may be interested in taking part in network events. If you have any questions about the Network, please email either Danny McGowan at: dmcgowan@nautilusint.org or Chrissie Clark at cclarke@maritimeuk.org.