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Why join?

Find out why more than 20,000 maritime professionals are part of Nautilus International.

Pay and conditions

Nautilus International is the first truly trans-boundary trade union for maritime professionals, reflecting the global nature of the industry. We negotiate with employers on pay, working conditions, working hours and pensions to secure agreements which recognise members’ skills and experience, and the need for safety for the maritime sector.

Workplace support

Nautilus International officials provide expert advice on work-related problems such as contracts, redundancy, bullying or discrimination, non-payment of wages, and pensions.

Maritime incidents

Nautilus can provide vital advice and assistance for members involved in maritime accidents and incidents. The Union can arrange representation during interviews with investigation authorities, police and other organisations, as well as at subsequent official inquiries. And we can deliver worldwide support to members encountering employment-related problems such as non-payment of wages.

Certificate protection

Nautilus membership provides you with free financial protection in the event of your certificate being cancelled, suspended or downgraded following a formal inquiry. If you have been involved in an accident, contact the Union immediately for advice and support before being interviewed by the police or other investigation authorities. Payment protection information and amounts are covered in the Rules and Regulations.

Worldwide legal services

Criminalisation of the maritime profession is a big issue. Nautilus offers members a range of legal services free of charge. There are specialist lawyers to support members in work related issues and a number of non-work related issues, and you may be able to access financial support if you bring a matter before an employment tribunal. The Union also maintains a global network of lawyers in more than 50 countries who can provide free and expert advice when members need it most. The Union is there when trouble strikes, and has given vital support to members facing charges ranging from manslaughter to breaching the collision prevention regulations.

Members are advised to contact the Union at the earliest opportunity if they have any sort of employment problem.


Although the shipping and inland navigation industry has improved its safety record, workers afloat still suffer much higher work-related death and injury rates than those ashore. Every year, Nautilus International helps to recover large sums in compensation for members who have suffered injuries or ill health as a result of their work. The Union will help to secure compensation for members affected by such conditions as asbestosis, pleural plaques, hearing loss, and other problems which can be shown to be employment-related.

Nautilus also maintains a register of members who believe they may have been exposed to asbestos during their career. This can assist in the event of a claim having to be pursued against a number of employers.

Extra savings

Members can take advantage of many additional discounts and benefits organised at a local level. These include tax advice, and insurance discounts.

Find out how much money you could save with our members only Nautilus Plus deals and discounts calculator before proceeding to Join online!


Your union, your voice

As a Nautilus International member, help is never far away — wherever in the world you are. Officials regularly see members onboard their ships and visit cadets at college. Further support and advice is available at regular 'surgeries' and conferences. The Union has offices in London, Wallasey, Rotterdam and Basel. There are also representatives based in France.

Nautilus International is a dynamic and democratic trade union offering members many opportunities to become actively involved and have your say — at a local, national and international level. The Union represents the voice of more than 20,000 maritime professionals at international bodies including the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), working to ensure your voice is heard on key global regulations covering working conditions, health and safety and training. The Union is affiliated to the TUC in the UK, FNV in the Netherlands and SGB/USS in Switzerland.

Become a Nautilus member today