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Pointers for a port management move

A Guide to Port and Terminal Management, by Bill Chalmers

a_guide_to_port_and_terminal_management_books_web_cover.jpgCaptain Bill Chalmers, a lifelong veteran of the shipping industry, has written this helpful book to enable both students and port employees to gain a broad overview of port operation and management.

The content is focused on the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers syllabus, and the examinations for its Port and Terminal Management qualification. It will be useful to candidates for this qualification and for those studying similar courses offered by other institutions.

As a textbook, it offers a comprehensive approach to the subject, taking in everything from the origins and historical development of ports to ownership and structure, physical aspects of the port and of modern vessels, commercial function, common cargoes, cargo storage, equipment, management strategies, financial matters and job roles. Each subject is treated in detail by Chalmers, making this an invaluable companion for those looking to build a wider knowledge and understanding of the sector.

A Guide to Port and Terminal Management
By Bill Chalmers
Brown, Son & Ferguson, £50
ISBN: 978 18492 70939

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