Sailors’ Society has launched a global series of virtual wellness and mental health conferences, designed exclusively for maritime school students.
The programme is being rolled out after a successful pilot webinar in India last year. More than 1,800 delegates registered for the pilot, which served 19 maritime schools.
The new conferences explore wellbeing and mental health at sea as cadets prepare to embark on their careers. The first of four events will take place on 3 August, and is aimed at cadets from 21 maritime schools in India, with the others serving maritime schools in the Philippines, Greece and Africa.
Each event will focus on key and current issues facing cadets today and draw on material from Sailors’ Society’s wellness training and support programme.
Sailors’ Society’s CEO Sara Baade said: ‘The content has been tailored to focus on key issues facing today's seafarers, including the current crisis in Ukraine and the impact of the pandemic, as well as the issue of diversity as many companies look to ensure a diverse workforce.
‘Sailors’ Society’s Wellness at Sea maritime schools’ conferences aren’t just a first; they are aimed at proactive investment in young minds. These events recognise that today's cadets are tomorrow's workforce and future leaders.’
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