Nautilus International is holding elections to its governing Council in 2023. Ballot papers will have started arriving for all members who are eligible to vote in this election.
The Council guides the policies of the Union and oversees its actions to benefit you and your fellow seafarers. It is vitally important that our members choose the candidates that best represent their views.
The election is for all 32 positions on Council. There is one contested category which is the Other Particulars category - UK Branch where up to FOUR candidates can be selected from the seven nominees. Please be aware that for your vote to be counted it must be returned to Civica Election Services (preferably using the postage pre-paid envelope provided) by no later than 17:00 UK time on Wednesday 26 April 2023.
When voting, please carefully read through the instructions and candidate statements provided for the election. You can find out more about the candidates and review their statements by, scanning the QR code provided in the pack, or visiting their election statements.
Given the current situation, with anticipated industrial action in the UK by postal workers, please return your vote at the soonest opportunity to ensure that it can be counted.
The declaration date for the results of this election is Friday 28 April 2023. Members can expect further correspondence confirming the results of the 2023 Nautilus International elections to the Council after that date.
If you have any questions, or if you have not received your ballot pack yet and believe you are eligible to vote in this election, please email Nautilus executive officer Martyn Gray at mgray@Nautilusint.org
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