Nautilus International will be hosting a Pride in Maritime roundtable meeting in London on Monday 11 September 2023.
The London International Shipping Week (LISW) event will focus on the recruitment and retention of LGBT+ people in maritime. Nautilus diversity lead Danny McGowan will chair the Maritime UK diversity network meeting.
Guest speakers include:
- ITF maritime policy adviser Sadie Saunders, who will discuss the ITF's global work on LGBT+ matters, challenges faced and opportunities for social dialogue
- Nautilus member and founder of the I Exist Too project Gustavo Aguilar Miranda, on the outcomes of the inaugural I Exist Too conference held in Panama in 2023, and how the industry can support the initiative's growth.
The hybrid event will be held in person at ITF House from 10.30-12.00 and online. ITF will also sponsor a networking lunch for in-person attendees from 12.00-13.00 on the same day.
Those who wish to attend in person or join the event online must register.
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