Nautilus members were warmly invited to register now for the Union's first face to face UK Branch Conference since before the Covid-19 pandemic – to be held in Bristol on Wednesday 23 November 2022.
The ninth Nautilus UK Branch Conference was centered at a key Bristol attraction, the museum ship and former passenger steamship SS Great Britain, located in Bristol's Great Western Dockyard.
The conference was open to all full members of Nautilus based in the UK. It was held in the museum's Great Eastern Hall from 10.00hrs, with a symposium planned from 14.30 to 17.00.
An evening meal and awards presentation took place from 18:30 onwards in the First-Class Dining Lounge. Attendees of the conference and symposium were welcome to come along and celebrate a return to conferencing.
The evening event included the presentation of various Nautilus accolades from previous years that could not be awarded in person owing to Covid-related restrictions – such as the Bevis Minter Award.
The meeting received the UK Branch Conference Report, and attendees debated and voted on any valid motions received. These then became resolutions.
Members wishing to move motions at the meeting had to have submitted them in writing, signed by at least four full members whose subscriptions were up to date, to reach head office by no later than 17.00 hrs on Monday 24 October 2022. A motion proposal form was now available at the Membership resources Forms section by logging in to My Nautilus.
The Equality and Diversity and the Lay Reps forums were both being held the day before, on 22 November 2022, at Mercure Holland House Hotel, Bristol. UK-based members attending those forums were welcome to stay and attend the UK Branch Conference, and should have indicated their attendance for each event on the UK Branch Conference 2022 registration form.
Any member with questions should please email: conference@nautilusint.org.
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