A Nautilus member serving as a third engineer with Princess Cruises was presented with the 2017 UK Officer Trainee of the Year Award.
Tristan Greaney was selected for the honour by an industry panel – including representatives from Nautilus, the Chamber of Shipping and Trinity House – in recognition of his outstanding commitment to training, and the professionalism, determination and personal qualities his displayed during his cadetship.
Tristan – who began training at Fleetwood Nautical Campus in 2014 – was presented with the award by Maritime and Coastguard Agency chief executive Sir Alan Massey, who noted that he had secured his qualifications at the first attempt and with marks of more than 90% in all his assessments.
As he made the award during the Marine Society and Sea Cadets annual court at Trinity House, Sir Alan said:
Tristan embodies everything we look for in a successful officer. Maritime and Coastguard Agency chief executive, Sir Alan Massey
Tristan, who is now serving onboard Diamond Princess, said he was overwhelmed to be given the award. 'I had no idea that I had been entered for it and it was a total surprise when I heard,' he added.
'I had just come off the four to eight watch when I picked up the message and it came as a complete shock. It's a great honour and I appreciate it a lot.'