Red Ensign flag-raising events were held throughout the UK for 2024's Merchant Navy Day in honour of merchant seafarers – for their sacrifices in global conflict, and their vital role in supporting the global economy in increasingly dangerous routes.
The annual Raise the Red Ensign Campaign is hosted by The Seafarers' Charity to fundraise and celebrate the UK's dependence on merchant seafarers and to address 'sea blindness' – the lack of awareness of the maritime industry among the general population.
Nautilus Mariners' Park
Nautilus Mariners' Park residents raised the Red Ensign and laid several wreaths at the annual ceremony and service held on the UK estate in Wallasey run by the Nautilus Welfare Fund

Nautilus head of industrial Micky Smyth also laid a wreath on behalf of the Union at the Cenotaph in Glasgow and attended a ceremony in the City Chambers on 3 September.
Deputy general secretary Olu Tunde will also lay a wreath at the Merchant Navy Memorial, Tower Hill in London on Sunday 8 September.

Nautilus Council member Allan Dickson, a Merchant Navy Medal 2023 awardee, and treasurer of the Edinburgh branch of the Merchant Navy Association (MNA) took part in the branch ceremony at the Scottish National Merchant Navy Memorial in Leith.

MNA Edinburgh and Forth branch members at the Scottish Merchant Navy Memorial.
The event welcomed a good turnout of serving and retired seafarers, the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, as well as representatives from Northern Lighthouse board, Forth Ports Limited, Trinity House Leith, Ocean Technologies Group, Leith Chamber of commerce and the local community council.

Nautilus staff attended the Dover District Council’s annual Merchant Navy Day remembrance ceremony and wreath laying ceremony at the Dover Merchant Navy Memorial. The UK memorial is a legacy of former radio officer Donald 'Don' Hunter, a Second World War veteran who died in May, but who had campaigned tirelessly for recognition for UK seafarers.

Kingston upon Hull
The Nautilus Welfare Fund was also represented during Merchant Navy Day events in Kingston Upon Hull by one of the charity's caseworkers John Norris. The parade and wreath laying attracted a good crowd of people, with pleasant weather and a light breeze to flutter the Red Ensign.
