The Singapore Organisation of Seamen (SOS), an affiliate of the Nautilus Federation, is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary in 2021.
While the ongoing work of SOS and other Nautilus Federation affiliates to reduce the impact of Covid-19 on their members remains top priority, SOS still wished to commemorate this important milestone.
In a statement to trade unions worldwide, SOS general secretary Daniel Tan said: 'Even in the whirlwind of prolonged uncertainty, we have so much to be thankful for. We want to celebrate the contribution SOS has had for seafarers in Singapore, and to celebrate the ongoing co-operation with unions worldwide that helps us to achieve our aims.'
Although most celebrations will be moved online to assist the Covid-19 response in Singapore, this will allow SOS to mark the anniversary throughout the year in a virtual celebration. The hashtag #manystoriesonesos will be used on social media to allow members to share their personal stories of their union.
To assist these online commemorations, SOS has launched a dedicated website featuring greetings and well-wishes from friends, tripartite partners, affiliates and seafarer unions around the world.
In a letter to SOS, Nautilus Federation director – and general secretary of Nautilus International – Mark Dickinson said: 'The first 50 years of SOS's history have been filled with many successes. Unions around the world can look to SOS with admiration for their achievements and for the way they support their members.
'We know that this will remain the case for the next 50 years and beyond. Nautilus and SOS share numerous values and ideals, and we are confident that our relationship will flourish.'
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