Nautilus is asking cadets to get in touch to report any problems with acquiring sea time, so that their concerns can be addressed by an industry group the Union is part of.
During the pandemic many cadets experienced difficulties getting enough sea time after shipping companies refused to take them onboard due to Covid-19 restrictions. The situation eased, but now the Union has heard from some cadets who are once again being held back because they are unable to get the sea time they need.
The Union has heard of some cadets who have been waiting for many months, and who have been unable to progress to the next phase of their cadetship.
Nautilus is part of a cadet welfare group, along with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and Merchant Navy Training Board. The Union would like to bring cadet issue with sea time to the attention of this group to try and improve the situation.
If you have been affected, please get in touch with cadet organiser Rachel Lynch via cadets@nautilusint.org