Nautilus Federation Croatian affiliate union receives top award for communicating union values
3 August 2023

The Seafarers' Union of Croatia (SUC), an affiliate of the Nautilus Federation, has received a prestigious award for its striking graphical representation of union values in its 2022 Congress poster.
The award-winning visual 'communicates the basic values and challenges of the union as well as its resilience and determination'.
The design, which was created by studio Sesnic & Turkovic and rendered by Manuel Šumberac. received a platinum award in the Graphis Poster Awards. It was also presented at the recently held Exhibition of Croatian Design 21/22.
SUC general secretary Neven Melvan said: 'We were – and still are – very happy with the result of the poster. It was a long search for us because we wanted a poster that represented us, our values, and what we do. The designers at the studio understood our needs immediately.'
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