Following the close of voting on 21 April 2021, the results of the Nautilus International Council elections have been declared by the scrutineer Civica Election Services (CES).
In the 2021 elections to the Union's governing body, 16 of the Council's seats were up for election. As always, all full members across Nautilus International were eligible to vote for any of the candidates, no matter which sector they worked in or whether their national branch was the UK, Netherlands or Switzerland.
However, the places on the Council are divided into categories to ensure a balance of sectoral representation across the industry and a diverse pool of knowledge.
In the 2021 elections, there was a contest in only one category – meaning that there were more candidates than places available – so the candidates in other categories were elected unopposed.
The contested category was Other Particular Categories (UK Section), which had six candidates standing for two places. The successful candidates were Ulrich Jurgens and Thomas Cardy. In Other Particular Categories (NL Section), Geert Feikema was elected unopposed.
In the category Navigators including Shipmasters (UK Section), Ross Cleland, Stephen Gudgeon, George Scarlett and Paul Wilson were elected unopposed. Niels Groen and Peter Lok were elected unopposed in the category Navigators including Shipmasters (NL Section).
There were only two candidates standing for four seats in the category Engineers including ETOs/Electrical Engineer Officers and Radio Officers (UK Section), so Catherine Caseman and Tenyon Latter were elected unopposed, and the other two positions remain vacant.
In the category Engineers including ETOs/Electrical Engineer Officers and Radio Officers (NL Section), Michael Leemhuis was elected unopposed for the one seat available.
Finally, the category Ratings (NL Section) did not attract any candidates, so the position remains vacant.
There was also an election in this period for the Nautilus International general secretary, and the incumbent post-holder Mark Dickinson was elected unopposed.
Nautilus head of organising Garry Elliott thanked CES and his Union colleagues for ensuring the smooth running of the election, and commented: 'It is pleasing to see some new faces among the successful candidates, and that people who have served on the Council for many years are still prepared to stand for re-election. We look forward to working with you all.'
The full election statement from the scrutineer CES, containing additional information such as the number of votes cast, can be viewed in the Resources section of the Nautilus website.
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